
Bael er Sharbot (Wood Apple Juice)

Bael er Sharbot (Wood Apple Juice)

Bael fruit is widely available mainly in Summer. It contains a greenish yellow, wood-like outer shell and orange, sweet inner flesh. This fruit is native to Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Scientifically known as “Aegle Marmelos”, it has got different names like Bengal Quinch, Golden Apple, Wood Apple, Stone Apple, Japanese Bitter Orange etc. The Bael tree is considered sacred by both Hindus and Buddhists.

Beal fruit juice is a perfect summer cooler and has lots of health benefits. It is a good toxin reliever, enriched in anti-inflammatory properties, rich in hemoglobin, prevents constipation, treats peptic ulcers, boosts metabolism. It is a powerhouse of nutrients and also good for skin and hair. In Delhi, one can find aplenty Bael fruit juice stalls across the road for fatigued pedestrians, particularly in the scorching summer. It is so relieving and keep you cool in the soaring summer.

Today I am sharing two types of Bael juice recipe. One with curd and other with milk. My personal favorite is Bael juice with curd. Do let me know which one you like most. One can also make the juice simply with water.

Ingredients to serve 4 :

  1. Bael fruit – 1 (weight approx. 600 – 700 gm.)
  2. Curd – 2 tbspoon (for 2 glasses of juice)
  3. Milk – 1 small cup (for 2 glasses of juice)
  4. Sugar – 2 + 2 tbspoon
  5. Pinch of Black salt
  6. Ice cubes

Procedure :

  • At first hit the bael fruit with a strong object to break its’ outer shell.
  • Then scoop out the orange pulp with the help of a spoon.
  • Now gradually add 1 glass of water and mash the pulp with hand.
  • Now strain the tick liquid, discard the seeds and collect the pulp.
Bael Juice with Curd :
  • Beat the curd, 2 tbspoon of sugar and pinch of black salt in a small bowl.
  • Then divide the beaten curd into two glasses.
  • Now add 2 tbsppon heaped strained bael fruit pulp in each glass. Mix them well and fill the glass with cold water. Immerse some ice cubes into the drink and enjoy.
Bael Juice with Milk :
  • Now add 2 tbspoon of sugar and pinch of black salt in the remaining fruit pulp (approx. 4 tbspoon) and mix them well.
  • Gradually incorporate the milk into the pulp with frequent stirring.
  • Now divide the liquid into two glasses or mugs and fill them with cold water. Stir well and enjoy with add some ice cubes.
Bael er Sharbot
Note :
  1. Adjust the sugar according to the sweetness of the fruit. One can even skip the sugar if he or she like.
  2. For each glass of juice use 1 tbspoon of curd.
  3. Bael juice can be prepared with water only. Just mix the strained pulp with water, sugar and bit of salt.

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